Food,  Health & Wellness,  Lifestyle

15 Healthy & Easy Snacks that I have been loving recently

Happy Friday to ya! If you have been following along on Instagram lately you know that little man is eating me out of house and home, or causing me to do so anyways. So I figured a perfect way to kick off this weekend would be to post a few of my favorite healthy snacks that I have been enjoying recently! Food is also all I can think about so there’s that too lol.

Since I am currently “eating for two” as everyone says, and eating a little bit more that I normally would, I have been trying to fill myself up with more nutritious calories that will hopefully benefit both baby and me!

For the most part, each snack below is pretty generalized and then I go into a little bit more ideas on the item choices. I tried to link some of my favorite products that I use as well, because a lot of times (at least in my opinion) certain brand items are what make the snack!

I’m not usually someone who has to eat specific brand items but there will always be items that I prefer over others and no matter how many times I try to cheap out, I always go back!

I just hit 26 weeks today so I am getting to the point where I am having to eat a lot smaller meals and more of them throughout the day, which is where a lot of the snacks below come into play! When snacking, my main rule of thumb is making sure I am getting both protein and healthy carbs/fats.

I used to be big on counting my macros back in the day when I was really into working out, but those days have passed, at least for now! If you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle though, I HIGHLY recommend using this method! I talk a little bit more about it in my post here

1. Plain Greek Yogurt with granola and fruit

I love eating this as a snack or even for breakfast because you can constantly switch up the kind of granola and fruits you are using and make it seem like a completely different meal!

This is one of the snacks I was referring to when I said I prefer brand name items for certain things hehe. Bear Naked granola is the only way to go in my opinion! Plus, I also really like Chobani’s Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt. If you are looking for a flavored Greek yogurt that doesn’t use fake sugar, their ‘less sugar’ line is my go to! The Madagascar vanilla & cinnamon is to die for! I have tried other granola and Greek yogurt brands and I always end up going back to those ones! I linked a few of my favorite flavors below!

As far as the fruit goes, I base it off of the flavor of granola I am using. For example, If I am using a cocoa granola or something similar I will usually add in some sort of berry! But I love using all fruits! My most used fruits are: Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries & Apples. These ones are usually just the easiest and quickest to cut up, are always sold at grocery stores, and I am just lazy lol.

2. Cheese Stick with a Fruit/Veggie

We always have a pack of cheese sticks in our fridge. Pair this with your favorite fruit or veggie and you have the perfect combination!

I love the cracker barrel cheese sticks and babybel is always nice for a quick snack on the go!

3. Fruit & Dark Chocolate Hummus

I was very skeptical at first about chocolate hummus but I am so glad I bought some because it is AMAZING. Dip some strawberries or raspberries in this and you will never look back. Plus, it is healthy!

They make quite a few different dessert options actually, I linked a few other flavors below that Target carries!

4. Veggies & Hummus

Most hummus is made with chickpeas which is a great source of protein! Dip some carrots, celery or bell peppers in some for a delicious snack! Hummus comes in quite the variety of flavors as well so you will never get bored of it. Check them out below!

5. Healthy Protein Bar

We all know that there are a million different protein bars out there, but that doesn’t mean they are all good for you. I used to just grab whatever looked good that had high protein and low carbs, but they only have low carbs because they are packed with fake sugars!

To be honest, I didn’t really care about that until I got pregnant and actually started to switch some of the things I was eating to incorporate more natural foods!

My favorite brand to eat is the RX Bars because all of the ingredients are listed in big letters on the front of each bar! There isn’t anything hidden. The chocolate peanut butter is my favorite flavor! The GoMacro bars also seem very clean, however I cannot vouch for taste because I have not tried these ones yet, but they are on my list!

6. Almonds

Really any kind of nuts work here! They are all filled with healthy fats and are a great source of protein. Just make sure to watch the serving size because it sneaks up on you really quick lol.

If you aren’t feeling just the plain old almonds, try mixing it up! I recently discover all of the flavored almonds and am loving the cocoa almonds! It is the perfect mix of sweet and savory that really helps fill you up. Just don’t eat the whole bag lol.

Check out all of the different flavors below. Amazon has the value size bags for an amazing price too!

7. Cucumber slices, garden veggie cream cheese + everything but the bagel seasoning

If you haven’t ever tried the Trader Joe’s ‘everything but the bagel seasoning’, you are missing out! Head on over to amazon (linked below) or a local TJ and buy yourself some, because it is delicious! Unless you hate everything bagels, then don’t waste your time lol.

My favorite way to use it is sprinkled on top of cream cheese; Original, Garden vegetable or Chive & onions are the best for this snack! How you use the cream cheese is totally up to you, I don’t judge lol. But a good way to cut out those processed carbs from those (delicious) bagels is to replace it with something such as cucumber slices, celery, or any veggie of choice!

8. Eggs

I love eggs because there are so many different ways you can cook them. Scrambled, fried, boiled, poached, just the egg whites, with cheese, in an omelet.. you get the point lol!

My personal favorite way to eat them is fried over medium, but being pregnant and all I have had to adjust that since they recommend cooking the yolk all the way, lameee. But I will manage for another 3 1/2 months or so lol. 

If you are on the go or just somewhere where you can’t whip out a frying pan, boiled eggs are the perfect snack!

9. Oatmeal with toppings of choice

Oatmeal is filled with healthy grains that have so many health benefits! You can make your own oatmeal with rolled or old fashioned oats and your milk of choice! I recently discovered oat milk and it has become my preferred non-dairy milk of choice!

I love adding sliced almonds, coconut, and fruit on top!

10. Cottage cheese with Fruit 

Cottage cheese is so good for you and a great way to pack the protein that will keep you full for longer! Throw in some fruit for a sweet treat! 

Hood even sells pre-made containers with fruit in them already!

11. Smoothies

Smoothies are always a great option and can be very filling! I don’t have a specific recipe that I follow, but Pinterest is a great resource when it comes to recipes! 

When I make smoothies without following a recipe I usually use a base of Greek yogurt and almond or coconut milk, and then I add in whatever fruits I have, the occasional handful of spinach or kale and some chia seeds for fiber!

12. Overnight Oats

Overnight oats can be such a life saver on mornings when you are short on time! There are so many amazing recipes on Pinterest and different ways you can switch your oats up!

You can easily customize them how you want to and can add in protein powder to pack in some extra protein!

13. Banana or Apple with Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is honestly one of my favorite things and it makes everything taste amazing. If you are allergic to peanuts you can opt for almond or cashew butter! Such an easy and healthy snack! Plus, peanut butter is something that most people always have handy.

If you don’t have bananas or apples available, throw it on some rice cakes or even celery or carrot sticks!

14. Whole Grain Cereal with Fruit on top

Whole grains are amazing for you as I mentioned above, so I love starting my day with a delicious bowl of cereal and fruit or adding it in as a quick snack!

I linked a few of my favorites that are filled with whole grains and taste delicious!

15. LOTS of water throughout the day!

Lots and lots of water! If you are like me and aren’t a huge water drinker, try to add in some flavoring drops/packets, such as Propel or Mio, for some added vitamins and electrolytes! 

The biggest tip I can give is to get a water bottle that you love and take it everywhere with you! My water has to be cold when I drink it so I don’t go anywhere without my Hydroflask. I linked a few great options below, including the Hydroflask I use and some other similar but more affordable options that I also own and work just as great!

Happy Snacking! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Xoxo, Steph


  • Taylor Lobo

    I needed this blog! I have been so indecisive lately with what to eat. And I want something healthy but just don’t know what exactly I want. With it being so hot these are perfect no bake, easy snacks!

    • Steph Read

      I’m so glad I could help! It’s always so nice to have something easy to throw together that doesn’t require much effort!

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