Slow Cooker Cinnamon Apple Sauce + Simple Fall Potpourri

Good Morninggg!! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! We went to Oktoberfest on Saturday at Wachusett Ski mountain and the weather could not have been more perfect. The weather has done a complete 180 here in New England in the last week and it is actually starting to feel like Fall, which has been nice! So I thought I would honor the weather in my post on this wonderful Fall Monday morning.
I am going to be sharing my recipes for two things that are sure to make your whole house smell like Fall: Homemade Cinnamon Apple Sauce and Apple Cinnamon Potpourri. Both require a minimum amount of effort, but give you all of the return. I’m about it, all day.
As you all probably know from my Instagram post, we recently went apple picking in New Hampshire and brought a whole bushel of fresh apples back to Massachusetts. Needless to say, our fridge has an endless supply of apples and I’m not sure if my husband and I are going to be able to finish them all!
I knew that I needed to make something with them, which brings me here now with these two apple recipes! My goal was to start off with something super simple.
What do you say we kick this Monday off with some slow cooker cinnamon applesauce? Yes please. This recipe is so simple that literally anyone could make it. Trust me when I say that. I am not a baker in anyway (although I would love to be) and I could make this with my eyes closed (minus maybe the apple peeling, lol).
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Slow Cooker Cinnamon Apple Sauce
It only requires 4 ingredients:
- 10-12 Apples (Most of the apples I used were Gala)
- 1 Tsp Cinnamon
- 1-2 Cinnamon sticks
- 1/2 Cup of Water
Tools needed:
- Crock Pot (I have this one!)
- Apple Corer
- Apple Peeler

Step 1:
Peel, core and cut all of the apples and place them into the crock pot.

Step 2:
Sprinkle your teaspoon of cinnamon over the apples. If you wish to use sugar this is where you would add the sugar as well. I sprinkled the smallest amount over the top just to give it a little kick. But apples are usually so sweet that I personally don’t think any is needed. But, If you have a sweet tooth, 1/4 cup of sugar is a great place to start!
Add in your 1/2 cup of water and cinnamon sticks and stir the mixture around to help coat the apples.
Step 3:
Cook on high heat for 2-4 hours, making sure to check on it every so often and to stir if needed. My crock pot cooks very hot on high, which is to be expected, but I had to turn mine to low after about two hours to avoid burning the apples. I cooked it on low for about an hour. You can keep it chunky or mash it for a smoother consistency.
All you have left to do now is enjoy it! Applesauce is sooo good when it is warm. If you have leftovers, make sure to let it cool completely before storing it in an airtight container in the fridge. I thought that it tasted even better cold the next day! Makes a perfect snack to take to work, and it’s pretty dang good for ya. Can’t beat that!

Simple Fall Potpourri Recipe
You will need:
- 3-4 Apples (any kind will do)
- 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
- 1 Teaspoon Ground Cloves (you can use whole ones too, I just didn’t have any)
- 3-5 Bay Leaves
- 6-8 Cinnamon Sticks
- Dash of Ground Cinnamon (You can never have too much Cinnamon, right?! 😉

- Fill a large pot 3/4 full of water and bring to a boil, while preparing apples. I used my Le Creuset Dutch Oven which I mentioned in my wedding registry essentials post. It’s amazing, highly recommend.
- Cut the apples into slices, approximately 3/4″ thick.
- Add the Ground cloves, vanilla extract, apple slices, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, and dash of ground cinnamon, if desired, to the water.
- Bring to a boil. Once boiling, turn to a simmer. Easy as that!
You can leave the potpourri on the stove for as long as desired, just make sure to keep an eye on it to make sure that there is enough water in it so nothing burns. You can always add more water when it gets low.
For reference, I started mine at 11 AM this morning and it is still going strong as I write this at 8 PM. We turned it off when we went to dinner with the family, but I turned it right back on when we got home and just added more water! Our house currently has all of the amazing Fall Smells, yummm!

I hope you enjoyed the post today and found it useful! What kind of posts is everyone most interested in seeing here on Steph Read Blog?! I always welcome suggestions and would love to hear more of what you guys want to see!
If you try either of these recipes, comment below and let me know how they turned out! I would love to here from you! You can also pin it for later. Thanks for stopping by friends, I will talk to y’all soon! 🙂

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