How to motivate yourself to achieve your health goals

I don’t know about you, but I always find myself in the same rut because I tend to set too many goals for myself at once or I just make the goals that I set so unrealistic. I find that both scenarios take up so much of my energy and really brings down my motivation meter causing me to not achieve anything.
Below are the 5 guidelines that I use when setting a goal. Keep these in mind when setting your monthly goals or even your new year’s resolutions for next year!
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1. Set realistic goals
Make sure the goals that you set are clear and attainable. This is probably the most important step of all because your goals are the source of your motivation.
We have all seen the headlines that say “How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks” or “Lose 10 pounds in one week by eating these foods” and I am sure that we have ALL clicked on them a time or two. Those headlines are simply just click bait that will usually lead you to some website to buy some crazy supplements that you don’t need and that won’t work.
Having a goal like that is likely going to cause you to crash and burn before you even get past week one because it isn’t realistic. I’m not saying that it’s not possible but it definitely is not healthy and you shouldn’t let it cloud your progress.
Set a clear goal and take it one step at a time. Write them down. This will help you define a clear plan to achieve them.

2. Track your progress
Nothing keeps the fire going quite like being able to see the progress that you’ve made. This is a MUST.
Progress is a big part of what fuels your “why”. Everyone has a “why” when it comes to the goals they have set or there would be no point in doing anything.
There are so many apps nowadays that you can use, but the one that I found to be the best is MyFitnessPal. It allows you to track your calorie intake and your workouts. I also recommend investing in a fitness watch of some kind, whether it be an Apple watch or a Fitbit, they truly do help motivate you when you can monitor your progress throughout the day!
Another great resource to use is Nutrishop or any local nutrition store near you. When I started my weight loss journey, Nutrishop was my biggest motivator. I not only got my supplements there but they also set up a meal plan for me, calculated my macros to fit my goals AND hosted challenges that pushed me to work hard. They also provide the in-body analysis scanner that is able to breakdown your weight in terms of fat, muscle & water in the matter of 2 minutes or less. I would go in a few times a month and do the scanner to track how I was doing and adjust my routine accordingly!
While this may not be an option for everyone due to location, I know that a lot of gyms that I have gone to also offer this service, so keep your eye out for them!
3. Create healthy habits & routines
Chances are that if you have set a goal to change or improve something, there are probably unhealthy habits or routines that need to be adjusted to help you reach that goal.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you should take everything you are doing and change it all at the same time because that isn’t going to work.
But this can be as simple as prepping your breakfast every night before the next morning so that you don’t have to be rushed and make the wrong food choice. It can even be something that just makes you feel refreshed like washing your face every morning & night or making your bed every morning!
These new habits or routines don’t have to be anything crazy. Sometimes it’s the small things in life that keep us moving forward and help to set the tone for the rest of the day.
Each habit or routine that we have can either help push you towards your goal or it can be something that is holding you back. Taking note of what your daily habits and routines are and how they are affecting your goals can really help you to adjust them to work in your favor.
4. Spice it up a little!
For a lot of people, the idea of going to the gym 5 days a week is just unimaginable and let’s be real. Nobody wants to do that, especially when you are just starting your journey.
After you get into it for some time you may actually feel most motivated when you are at the gym, I know that may sounds crazy, but that’s how it was for me!
Here are some ideas of ways to make it feel more like fun and less like work:
Go with a friend! It’s always easier when you have someone alongside you working towards a similar goal.
Create a workout jams playlist to jam to during. Music makes everything better! Music isn’t your thing? Podcasts are also great!
Switch up your workout routine. Doing the same workouts over and over can get very repetitive and it’s good to switch it up for your muscle memory as well.

The same goes for the food you eat! Eating the same thing for lunch everyday is boring and will make you lose interest quickly. Step out of your comfort zone and try meal prepping something new this week! You can even prep 2 different kinds of meals and alternate each day to trick your taste buds.
5. Reward yourself
When you restrict yourself from everything that you’ve ever enjoyed for a long period of time, you quickly start to question the process and make it harder on yourself.
Don’t be afraid to reward yourself in moderation and to take those much-needed rest days. Set a milestone goal and allow yourself to grab a drink with a friend when you reach it or simply have a spa day. You deserve it!
Pamper yourself because you earned it and you need to show yourself that hard work pays off!
But don’t let one reward turn into a week of cheat days (I’ve fallen down that hole WAY to many times). That is often what causes people to fall off the wagon. Be Strong!
JUST REMEMBER…The most important thing that you can do is to love yourself and to be your biggest motivator because you truly can do anything that you put your mind to!
Happy goal setting 🙂

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