The secret is out…. WE’RE PREGNANT!!!
We’re PREGNANT!!! Can you believe it?! This was easily the HARDEST secret that both of us have ever had to keep in our lives, and it feels so good to finally let the world know.
When you are SO excited and happy about something, you just want to talk about it ALL.THE.TIME. So not being able to for 12 weeks was literally so hard. Especially for my husband, secrets are extra hard for him lol.
We announced this on social media last Friday, when I hit 12 weeks (because we literally couldn’t wait another second), so this is probably old news to most of you. But I really wanted to make a post about it, too.
Nate and I took these photos on our own, which I am pretty proud of considering that it’s almost impossible to get Koda to sit still lol. It required quite a bit of takes and even more treats, but I wanted to show them to y’all!
I figured I would talk a little bit more about our whole pregnancy journey and where we are at now. We also have some exciting news at the bottom so make sure to scroll all the way through so that you don’t miss it!!

First I wanted to address a comment that we have both gotten about a TRILLION times (this goes for when we got married too):
“You guys are so young and have so much life to live. Why do you want to have kids? You should wait a while and use your 20’s to travel and live your life.”
No offense to anyone who has ever said this or who may agree with this, but this irks me SO much. As I mentioned above, we got the same comment when we got married over a year and a half ago, I get it. I turn 25 in less than a week, I know that I am super young. But that’s the point!
Getting married young or having kids young in no way means that you still can’t live your best life! If anything (in my opinion at least) having kids makes life that much more enjoyable. Sure it requires you to make adjustments in many aspects of your life and means things are going to change. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still travel or have a social life!
Everyone has different plans for their life and where they want to be in the next 5 years and I am living my dream. Almost feels to good to be true! I have dreamed of the day that I could have kids of my own with my husband since I was a little girl. Y’all… that day is here!! My mom had an at home day care when I was younger and I absolutely loved every second of it, especially when I got to help her with the babies!
Kids bring so much joy and love to life and we could not be more excited for what our future holds!
Alright enough of that, I just had to throw that out there real quick lol.

Our Pregnancy Journey
Growing up you see plenty of movies about couples having surprise pregnancy slips or maybe you even know someone this happened to. So when you actually start trying to get pregnant you almost expect it to be that easy.
What a lot of people don’t see is the other side of that; Months of negative pregnancy tests, and the loss of hope as yet another month goes by. I’m not saying that we had it hard AT ALL, compared to many other couples out there, but it did not go at all like we had expected. It took us around 5-6 months to get pregnant, which I know isn’t crazy long. Nonetheless, it was still hard and each month that passes beats you down a little bit more.
So many women struggle with infertility and my heart goes out to all of them. I can’t even imagine what they go through. We know that we were so blessed to be able to conceive as quickly as we did.
I will be 13 weeks this Friday and I actually just had my second ultrasound today! The baby is healthy and had a nice strong heart beat! Nate still was not able to be there with me sadly, but they let me take a little video for him once they looked over everything.
So far the pregnancy has been great! I haven’t had any morning sickness, hallelujah, and everything has been very manageable. For the first 8 weeks or so my bloating was out of control and I looked like I was 5 months pregnant most hours of the day (which made it very hard to hide a pregnancy in case you were wondering lol). The only thing that really fit me was leggings which was definitely a problem for work but we managed to make it through! The bloating is at a much more reasonable level now, thank goodness!
Other than that, I’ve had to deal with a little bit of sciatica and leg pains at night when I’m sleeping and some insomnia (which I am blaming mostly on my mind constantly thinking about the baby, nursery, etc.). I haven’t had any major food cravings yet and the only thing I have found that makes me nauseous is coffee. Which is really sad because coffee is the LOML. But what can ya do?! We will just have to reunite in 6 months or so, I could probably use a break anyways lol. Oh, and I am hungry all the damn time. But that’s nothing new! hahaha

Our Valentine's Day Miracle
We actually found out the morning of Valentine’s day that I was pregnant, ahhh! My period was about 3 days late and I figured it was about that time to check. It was like 5 in the morning and both my husband and I were getting ready for work.
My husband was in the kitchen making his lunch for the day and I decided to take the test. The results came back positive almost immediately! My heart was beating so fast and my whole body was shaking and I ran into the kitchen where my husband was and screamed “Happy Valentine’s day babe you are going to be a daddy!”
It was such an amazing moment and I honestly still to this day cannot believe it. I don’t think it is going to hit us for real until my bump starts to grow.
Definitely the best Valentine’s day gift we ever could have asked for!
But I had my appointment today and my doctor gave me something, so scroll down to see what it is 😉

We have the gender results in our possession people!! WHATTTTT!
We had originally planned on doing a fun reveal barbecue with family and friends when the time came. But with corona virus and everything going on, unfortunately, we can’t have a group of people over so we had to rethink things a little.
I know traditionally people wait until their 18-20 week ultrasound when they can hopefully see the sex of the baby. But come to find out, the doctor knows the sex of the baby longgg before then from all of the blood work, so what are we waiting for?! Oh wait….. we aren’t. Actually that’s not completely true, I’m making my husband wait a couple of days so that we can do something cool for it lol. If it was up to him he would have already opened the envelope I think, so I had to hide it from him! But I really wanted to have something fun to send to everyone to make them feel like they were part of the experience!
So today after the appointment I ordered this set of smoke cannon’s from OnceUponAPartyCo on Etsy. They should be here on the 11th which is super quick so I couldn’t pass it up! Looks like we will be having either an Easter reveal or a birthday reveal since my birthday is on Monday!
If you are in the need for some party decorations or reveal items, I highly recommend checking them out! I linked a few of the other gender reveal products that they carry below as well, but they carry products for all holidays! I haven’t received the product yet so I can’t speak to that necessarily but I think all of the amazing reviews that they have received does it anyways! I actually had to reach out to them to get some more info because I ordered the mystery option and the owners were super friendly and responded in less than 30 minutes. So they get an A+ on customer service from me! 🙂
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If you made it all the way through this post, thank you for sticking around! I hope you have a great night! If you don’t follow me on Instagram, make sure to follow along so that you don’t miss the gender reveal coming this weekend!
Talk to y’all soon!

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Congrats!! We found out we were expecting on Valentine’s Day (2016) too!! So Valentine’s Day has been extra special these last few years. We now have a 3.5 year old girl. I was 25 when I found out we were expecting and had her in October 2016, when I was 26. So age is nothing really! Congrats and enjoy this time!!
Steph Read
Thank you so much! We are so excited for this new adventure! 🙂