My Top 7 Pregnancy Must Haves + A Third Trimester Update!
Hello Weekend and HELLO THIRD TRIMESTER! I cannot believe I am saying those words already! Today marks 28 weeks and it has been quite the whirlwind so far, but we could not be more excited to meet our little man.
Today I figured I would do a post that is a little different than my normal. But I thought it would be fun to share some of my pregnancy must have items that have made this pregnancy so much more manageable and a little update on how everything has been up to this point!
Just a little 28 week bumpdate for y’all!
Even though we still have so much to do over the next three months to prepare for our little mans arrival, we couldn’t be more ready.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I feel like mine has been so different from how I ever imagined it to be. I was so blessed in my first and second trimesters, not having to deal with a lot of the nasty symptoms that can come along with growing a little one. I almost felt completely the same, just with a little bump tagging along lol. But then the belly popped…
You don’t really realize how much your body has been changing over the past months until your bump is huge and the pain begins. I still can’t believe that my bump will be getting bigger than it is right now… Like is that even possible?! Luckily it is still very manageable, but the extra weight definitely adds in some factors.
Sitting isn’t comfortable, laying down isn’t either, and even though standing is the most comfortable, my feet can only handle so much before they start throbbing. I find that a mix of the three is usually the way to do it lol. I found quite a few items below that have been a HUGE help for this though!
Being Pregnant During a Pandemic..
To be honest, it feels like such a strange time to be bringing a little human into this world with everything going on. I am not personally worried about corona virus. I know that all you can really do is take precautions and be careful, so there is no reason to worry myself about the what ifs. Both Nate and I have been working this whole time and nothing has really changed in that aspect but obviously adjustments have had to be made socially. Since we are not able to do what we normally would be doing, we have had a lot of extra time to get projects done around the house and to spend time with each other, which I have loved. It is all about focusing on the positives! It helps that I don’t mind being a home body lol.
Baby Shower..
We actually just had our baby shower last weekend and it was so amazing. Our little man was showered with so much love! We ended up doing a super non-traditional shower because that is kind of just how we like to do things lol. I personally loved that my husband was able to be apart of it though and I wouldn’t have done it any other way.

Nursery Update..
I will be doing a full post on the Nursery as soon as it is finished, but as of right now it is a work in progress! I have shared a few pictures so far (I took the one below a week ago!) but I cannot wait to share the whole thing! It is already looking so cute and there is quite a bit that we will be updating and adding in the weeks to come! Now that the bathroom is pretty much done (post coming on that soon too, I promise!), we will be working hard to get the nursery wrapped up over the next couple of weeks!

Worst part of Pregnancy..
Sleeping. Oh man, who knew sleeping could be so dang hard and even a bit painful?! The insomnia, the back/hip/side pain, the leg pain, it is all REAL people. I am very blessed to be able to say that my pregnancy has been pretty easy up to this point, and sleeping/getting comfortable really has been the only hard part for me.
Best part of Pregnancy..
All those baby kicks 🙂 Keep em’ coming little man! There’s nothing that quite compares (yet) to the feeling of him moving around in there, knowing that we are so close to meeting him! Nate loves to talk to him and I think he is starting to recognize his daddy’s voice because he usually will give him some kicks! He has become quite the wiggler in the last week or so!
7 Pregnancy Must Haves to make your pregnancy more enjoyable:
1. Boppy Wedge Pillow
I just purchased my boppy wedge pillow and it has LITERALLY changed the sleep game! There is a reason why I put this bad boy as number one on my list, it earned its spot for sureee.
Sleeping has been one of the only parts of pregnancy so far that has been hard on me, and each day it feels like it becomes increasingly harder. Being limited to side sleeping is already hard enough, but as the baby grows the weight leaning to one side is not an enjoyable feeling.
Once I introduced the boppy into my sleep routine, I immediately went from getting a couple of hours of light sleep a night with side pain to almost a full nights sleep (minus the pee breaks of course lol).
I cannot recommend this pillow enough if you are pregnant and having troubles sleeping through the night. There is a reason that it has 4.5 stars with 1400+ reviews!
I am actually traveling right now and the pillow is so compact that I was able to bring it with me, which is just another plus!

2. Maternity Belt
This maternity belt is another one of my recent purchases and it makes a world of a difference on a day to day basis. The amount of pressure that it helps take off of your back and stomach is very noticeable.
It is super easy to throw on under a dress or over leggings and a tank. If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or standing on your feet, I would definitely give this one a shot!

3. Daily Prenatal Vitamin
I have been using the One-A-Day Prenatal Vitamin since before I was pregnant and it hasn’t disappointed! I did a lot fo research on which vitamins were the best and this one was on all of the lists becasue it fits all of the doctor recommendations for what you should be getting while pregnant!
When it comes to vitamins it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor and see what they recommend and what they think is best for you to use. This is just what I personally use!

4. Under the Bump Maternity Underwear
When it comes to underwear you really don’t know how much of an annoyance they can be until you know lol. The bands don’t start rolling down until your bump gets bigger but when it starts it is so annoying!
Amazon has so many different options and fits to choose from but these are the ones that I purchased. They are super comfortable and are my go to underwear to wear at night!

5. Maternity Spanx
These spanx, or whatever you want to call them, are amazing! They are made specifically for when you have a bump so they don’t roll down at all and they cover your whole stomach.
In my opinion, they also feel like a lighter version of the maternity belt, but are a better option to wear under tighter fitted clothing because they are not noticeable! They help support your stomach and take some of the pressure and weight off of your back which was a pleasant surprise!
I bought my normal size small and they fit great at 28 weeks and have a lot of stretch to them!

6. Maternity Tank Top
It took me a long time to buy any sort of maternity clothing, and I was so determined to hold off as long as possible, if not the whole pregnancy. I just didn’t want to spend a bunch of money on clothes that I would only wear while pregnant so I have been buying a lot of dresses that will fit me both during and after pregnancy.
I am so glad I bought this tank top though! I bought it in grey and I actually have the white and black ones in my shopping cart as we speak lol. You really can’t go wrong for $10 and I honestly think it will fit great even without a bump!

7. U Shaped Prenancy Pillow
I originally purchased this pillow to use while sleeping in my first/second trimester to see if it would help with the leg pain I was experiencing at night. Sadly, it made things worse for that and I do not use this pillow to sleep (cue the boppy!) even though so many people raved about it!
HOWEVER, it is super comfortable to use while sitting on the couch or even sitting up in bed! It is so big and can easily be maneuvered however needed to make any position you want to sit or lay in, as comfortable as possible!

I know that every pregnancy is different, but I hope that if you are reading this that you were able to get something out of it! Pregnancy is by no means an easy thing to go through but there are so many things out there that can help to make it more manageable until your little on arrives! There are SO many things out there and these aren’t even a scratch in the surface but they have made my life so much easier over the last 7 Months! Good luck to all you soon to be mama’s out there, you got this!

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